BONUS Mark Gurman interview on iWeek podcast (France) : US version

Welcome to iWeek (the Apple week) podcast, based in Paris, France !

iWeek is a weekly (thursday), 1-hour long, news podcast on Apple and the whole ecosystem, avalaible for free on most major podcasts platforms (Apple, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, Overcast, Podcasts Addict, etc).

This is a BONUS episode consisting of the US version of the interview we had with Bloomberg Mark Gurman, one month from WWDC 2023. It was recorded on tuesday, May 2nd 2023 from 8;30 AM (PST). The regular episode (#135) is also available here with a French voice over Mark’s and our questions in French.

Mark Gurman is back on iWeek, for the second time,  to talk about the forthcoming XR headset from Apple with some never heard before details & description as well as the transition to M3 chip and the next Macs in the pipeline.

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Thank you again, Mark !

Benjamin Vincent & the iWeek team

Présenté par
Benjamin VINCENT

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